Miriam Perez moved to Pelican in 2012, but it wasn’t until three years ago that she started baking cakes. Craving a taste of home, and a new hobby, Miriam took to the internet to learn about how to make a tres leche cake from scratch. Her first effort for her husband’s birthday turned out flat but tasty. Instead of giving up, like some might, Miriam began studying more to figure out how to perfect the delicious deserts. In Mexico she had studied to become a pharmacist, so baking was a good fit for her, as someone familiar with experimenting, blending, and measuring different ingredients, cakes became the vehicle for her search for new outcomes of mixing different elements together. While she loves living in Pelican she missed tastes and smells of the bakery she used to live by in Mexico. She wasn’t a big fan of the American style box cake, and while others in the community might make a tres leche cake for an occasion here or there, she found that they still didn’t taste quite like the ones she’d grown up used to enjoying. Seeing she needed to make her own, she began watching as many YouTube videos as she could to figure out how to make a better tres leche cake than what she had found in Otter Tail County. After many hours of study in-between maintaining her home and her work as a full-time caregiver for her three children, Miriam would watch people making their cakes on the Internet and then she would get to work. It has been a process of trial and error, especially because Miriam takes some advice, techniques, and ideas from some videos and mixes and matches them with other bakers’ ideas about cake baking. This is how she created the mocha tres leche cake and how she’s perfected the Impossible Cake (a layer of flan on top a chocolate base). Over the last three years she’s focused on not only having a delicious cake, but one that looks beautiful. She depends on her KitchenAid stand mixer to whip her ingredients to fluffy in order to get her cakes to their proper height. While she once had to search far and wide for the right cream to make the frosting for her tres leche cake, Larry’s Super Market, in Pelican Rapids now stocks it. And a quick peek at her Instagram account shows that she has an eye for presentation. Topping her creations with fresh fruit brings an element of glamor to the cake that she is known for throughout the community. Requests from friends and families run through her husband through his work at the local turkey plant. And Miriam ends up baking one or two cakes a week for friends and family gatherings. The Mayor of Pelican has been encouraging Miriam to open up a bakery in town, and this is something she’s interested in doing. Now that she’s perfected cakes, she has started expanding her knowledge and skills for baking other important cultural foods like the Rosca de Reyes Cake for Three Kings Day celebrations and pan de muerte for Día de los Muertos celebrations in early November. She wants to learn more about Mexican breads so she can have a well stocked bakery one day in the future. After enjoying both a slice of her tres leche cake and flan, I know I am in good company when I say, I hope that bakery will be opening soon!
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This activity is part of the Otter Tail County Story Mapping Project, a partnership between Rethos, The Otter Tail County Historical Society, and Springboard for the Arts with support from the Minnesota Historical Society. This project was made possible in part by the people of Minnesota through a grant funded by and appropriation to the Minnesota Historical Society from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.